Hoje e o dia de encontrar os sites interessantes! Mais um: New York City 4 Free. Tem teatros, shows, e filmes. Até que emfim eu encontrei os benditos cinemas sob as estrelas. Existe (pelo menos neste verão) o Bryant Park Film Festival que exibe geralmente filmes antigos, classicos. E varios outros como o Pier A Park.
At Pier A Park, Hoboken NJ. Unlike the films shown at Bryant Park, you'll get to see more recent films - while relaxing on the waterfront of the Hudson River. Movies begin at 9pm in June & July; 8:15 pm in August.
At Pier A Park, Hoboken NJ. Unlike the films shown at Bryant Park, you'll get to see more recent films - while relaxing on the waterfront of the Hudson River. Movies begin at 9pm in June & July; 8:15 pm in August.