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Thirteen estréia hoje em NY e LA. - New York Times.

The panic in the eyes of Tracy (Evan Rachel Wood), the barely teenage protagonist of "Thirteen," will stay with you for a very long time. Both her fear and pleasure — since they are inextricably entwined — are almost always visible, especially in a harrowing scene about loss of control that is a pinnacle of performance. Tracy and her new best friend, Evie (Nikki Reed), try to lure a 20-something neighbor (Kip Pardue) into a threesome. With a hollow fervor Tracy goes through the motions of what she thinks she should be doing, imitating Evie's lead. Tracy's ferocious appetite gives this story of a 13-year-old girl's extended period of debauchery and misery a magnetic volatility; she moves through this mess slightly startled, as if she were trapped in a waking nightmare.

A CNN também sou um review sobre o filme há 29 min atras....Bem melhor escrita do que a do Times.
