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Riverside, NJ

Estou fazendo uma matéria sobre Riverside, NJ, uma cidade de 8 mil habitantes, sendo 4 mil imigrantes brasileiros ilegais, com uma história interessantíssima e, eis que me deparo com esta animação cafonérrima do jornal Philadelphia Inquirer mas que, apesar de tudo, é extremamente real.

Além de Riverside Dreams, tem Capoeira.

Reporter Jennifer Moroz made more than 50 trips to Riverside during 15 months of reporting. She interviewed more than 150 residents, about half Brazilians and half locals, including police and municipal and school officials. In May she traveled to Brazil, where over two weeks she interviewed about 50 people, including U.S. State Department and Brazilian officials. She has spoken with a dozen immigration officials and experts, including several specializing in Brazilian immigration.
