On Wednesday, the president vowed to codify "one way or the other" the "sanctity of marriage" between a man and a woman. On Thursday, the Vatican launched a crusade against same-sex unions, equating gay parenting with doing violence to children. On Friday, a group of Latino ministers led by Ruben Diaz, the city's most homophobic politician, pledged to cut off public funding for the Harvey Milk School. And on Tuesday, Episcopalian dissidents denounced the election as a "cancer on the body of Christ." They are hoping higher Anglican authorities will reverse it, under a 1998 resolution declaring that "homosexual relations are incompatable with the church."
No Village Voice. Parece que estao precisando organisar um Beijaço por aqui também. Por aqui não, no mundo inteiro. Que absurdo, dizer que casais gays são uma violência para as crianças. Só poderia ter vindo da igreja CATOLICA mesmo. O mal do mundo. A matéria ta longa, mas vale ler inteira.