Tudo que você sonhou: uma obra dirigida por Clint Eastwood que tenha no elenco Kevin Bacon, Sean Penn, Tim Robbins, Laurence Fishbourne, Maria Gay Harden e Laura Linney, todos eles envolvidos numa história fantástica.
Os seus sonhos foram realizados e o nome do filme é Mystic River. Estréia esta semana por aqui, e eu estarei me dando de presente uma visitinha ao cinema para conferir o resultado deste trabalho.
Tem reviews do filme e do livro na Rolling Stone.
When I first heard that a movie was being shot in Boston and Clint Eastwood was making this movie, I ran out and got the book. Little did I know, I was about to be trapped in a web of inner fear and a mind blowing emotional experiences. This book kept me glued to every other page and I have not read a book in 15 years. I found myself holding one hand over my right eye at 3:00 AM under a light, for that was the only way I could continue reading it without going blind. This story touched me in so many ways I was forced to look inside my own past and dark closet. It made me identify with so many areas of my life which I was not ready to take a look at. I found myself on several occasions, crying and saying out loud "you got me again." I was blessed to be born and raised in So. Boston and I new theses characters, they were my neighbors.
Os seus sonhos foram realizados e o nome do filme é Mystic River. Estréia esta semana por aqui, e eu estarei me dando de presente uma visitinha ao cinema para conferir o resultado deste trabalho.
Tem reviews do filme e do livro na Rolling Stone.