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Dogville estréia em NY, depois de o mundo inteiro já ter visto o filme e sujeitos descerebrados escrevem críticas retardadas nos sites do governo da cidade!

March 30, 2004
If you understand this three-hour film and conclude that it is a genius work of art, I’ll feel like a clod. However, you may agree with me that it is anti-American and the good reviews it received are all hype. The movie was written and directed by Lars von Trier, a Scandinavian viewed by the cognoscente as a genius and social commentator. In this present era, it is key for them that he be anti-American.
The film, which is more like a play, opens in the town of Dogville occupied by folks I would call Okies. (Remember Henry Fonda in John Steinbeck’s “The Grapes of Wrath?”) They are far better dressed. On one occasion, the narrator, John Hurt, refers to the townspeople as “hillbillies.” A young woman, Grace (Nicole Kidman), is on the run and being pursued by half a dozen thugs in huge vintage cars. So begins Grace’s sojourn and interaction with the citizens of Dogville. They first befriend her and then betray, enslave and deliver her to her pursuers. She is degraded, repeatedly raped and ultimately changed in character. Through it all, she accepts her fate and forgives her captors until the final moment.
The film has moments of good acting by a cast that includes Harriet Andersson, Paul Bettany, Lauren Bacall, Jean-Marc Barr, James Caan, Patricia Clarkson and Ben Gazzara. In the beginning, in my mind’s eye, I likened the film to a morality play, e.g., “Candide” without the music. But as it went on, I found it insulting. At the end of an interminable period, there was a smattering of applause in the theater, one of two set aside at the Angelica for the sellout audiences. Believe me, you should stay away.

Isso explica exatamente o por quê da demora para a estréia aqui, e por quê ninguém fala uma palavra sobre o filme.
