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O furacão Isabel.

In New York City and its suburbs, officials were also going over evacuation procedures. The Police Department designated captains and inspectors as hurricane coordinators and ordered them to identify potential evacuation routes and relocation centers, an official said.

Mayor Michael Bloomberg urged residents to "take the precautions now and not wait until the last day." He said New Yorkers should stock up on batteries, flashlights, extra canned foods and water.

"Make sure you have a few days supply of baby products and medicines and things that you absolutely can't do without," he said. "If the storm hits, and even if it misses us closely, we're likely to have flooding in the normal places that flood".

"You always hear how terrible it's going to be and then what? It's just some rain and wind," said Geraldine Martino in Ocean Grove, an old summer retreat that is now home to a large year-round population.
