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Lawsuit Against Federated Department Stores charges $500 million and Becomes a Nationwide Issue.

A suit against the Federated Department Stores, Inc. – which owes Macy’s – went to the Manhattan Federal Court last May 20. It claims that 1,600 people were accused of shoplifting, during the last year, only on the Macy’s store in Herald Square, and 92% of those people were minorities, what turns the lawsuit into a class action status.

The case blew up when a Macy’s security, at 34St’s store, accused a black woman of shoplifting, last year in Christmas’s time. Sharon Simmons-Thomas, a 43-year-old, a law-firm secretary, affirms she had the receipts of the cookware she just had exchanged when the store’s guard handcuffed and guided her into a security room where she stayed for more than one hour. She says they searched her body and tried to coerce her to write a false confession of the non-existing shoplift.

Kenneth Thompson, Simmons-Thomas’s lawyer is charging the department store in $500 million, for not only for this case, but a nationwide practice of 'racial profiling' Blacks, Hispanics, Asians and "other non-white shoppers" for "suspicion of shoplifting.

“The statistics don’t lie,” said Thompson, “This lawsuit has the goal of finally bringing an end to the all-to-common practice of suspecting people of shoplifting simply based on the color of their skin.”

Macy’s denies the allegations by saying they are “reckless and false”.

"Federated and its divisions do not stop shoplifters because of their race - we stop them because we think they are stealing. To suggest that alleged isolated incidents, which are contrary to Federated's express policies against discrimination, is a national pattern and practice is totally baseless," FDS’s statement said.

Yesterday an amended suit insisted that the discriminatory practices at Macy’s stores happens also in Valley Stream and White Plains, both in NY state, and other locations, targeting non-white people to false accusations, detentions and illegal searches for shoplifting.

Ken Thompson said he's been contacted by more than 100 people from across the country since he first filed the suit complaining about the same case.

Latino and Black’s communities are protesting in their own ways. Yesterday afternoon, at a religious meeting in Newark, NJ the non-white immigrants walked about a boycott plan to every Macy’s store. “We need to protest on our way, and not only wait for the blind justice, with a expensive charge sentence on that store.”, said Marcia Silveira, a 32 years-old student, originally from Latin America. “Here in the States we have billions of good stores to purchase our necessaries items, we are the majority of the consumer market in Bergen County and we can teach Macy’s that we are not lots of Winona Ryders walking around”.

As fotos sao do NY Post e do Newsday
