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Racial Crimes in NYC.

Cops broke the door and lobbed a stun grenade inside a small apartment of a 57-year-old black woman, on W 143rd St last week, who died of a heart attack. The mistake act from the New York Police searching for illegal drugs caused the suing from the family against the city. O.J Simpson's lawyer is in charge of the case and is asking for $500 million dollars. Alberta Spruill, the victim, suffered of heart diseases.
Ultimas noticias sobre este caso
O prefeito de NYC diz que nao vai tolerar erros dos policiais, mas ao mesmo tempo nao faz nada de concreto para isso, ao contrario em vez de investir na forca policial da cidade, ele corta gastos. Nada contraditorio.


Macys’s security at Herald Square store accused a black woman of shoplifting, last Monday. Sharon Simmons-Thomas, a 43-year-old worker from another department store affirms she had the receipts of the cookware she just had exchanging when the store’s guard handcuffed and guided her into a security room where she stayed for 3 hours. Simons-Thomas has an action lawsuit claims Macys by unfairly targets black and Latinos as shoplifters.

Vanessa Mael
produzido em sala de aula.
